Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Addendum to a day in Pompeii!

Unfortunately, in my haste to post my photos before "the computer says no"...I made a few spelling mistakes, so I hope you'll accept my apology.

Our day yesterday, long awaited was to make it to The Pompeii exhibition at long last.

In case you were not able to tell, we were unable to take photos inside the exhibition which was a shame, but then you have to respect the demands of people who were alive some 60 years after Christ.

We saw some magnificently (thanks to nature) preserved artifacts from the time...coins, wheels, toilet systems, wall friezes with paint still intact, kitchens, pots, work tools...they were an incredible array from a lifetime ago that had been preserved during the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.

There were even body casts of victims I remember seeing probably in a book when a child, of mortals and animals who died because of poisonous gases and heat extremes emitted during that day.

We were even treated to a 3D movie of Pompeii which demonstrated through time lapse what would have happened to the village in that last 24 hour period.

So they might say "there went the Fall of Rome"...we saw the Fall of Pompeii.

After a bite to eat we then continued onto the main museum exhibition but unfortunately, because of time constraints we only got to see a small portion of what was on offer.

Our focus was on Melbourne from yesterday, plus the indigenous people of our land, their impact here and what white man has done to them in days gone by. It makes me ashamed of being a white person when you read of how innocent children were stolen from their innocent mothers by white people who presumed they knew better.

We eventually left Melbourne Museum around 4:30 pm. happy and content that we had finally completed one of our "to do's" for the year.

Thank you Lizzie for a wonderful day. Despite the rain and noisy children we had a great day. The best part was the promise of catching up again soon.....

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you both had a fantastic day - Can't wait to hear about your next outing together.
